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Students can access language resources that support their Spanish language acquisition process (learning) and ensure ALL students' success.  As students participate in diverse learning activities in the target language (Spanish) they became (more) familiar with vocabulary & phrases relative to everyday topics.

Students work in partners/small groups for project-based learning activities and cultural research tasks.  

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* recognize numerous positive influences of the Spanish culture within the US today

*sustain short conversations relative to popular and  familiar, everyday topics

*read Spanish texts w/ visual aids and recognize the "order of sequence"

*provide written & spoken responses to typical Spanish questions

*thoroughly read, listen to, & follow directions in Spanish

*process written text, audio selections, and video clips
*respond to reading comprehension question ?s'

*learn the cultural identity & experiences  of others

*share your own cultural practices & unique experiences 

*perform research and compare/contrast with graphic organizers
*perform research & present details using technological tools & creativity

*demonstrate understanding of the audio & visual text with comprehension?'s

*practice the thematic units/topics with interactive activities (e.g., games, skits)

* become familiar with the 6unofficial Spanish-speaking countries around the world

*select one popular product of a Spanish individual (e.g., formula, electronic, tool)

*locate the geographical location of the Spanish-speaking countries on the map  

*research & share specific details about 1 of the 20 official Spanish countries

*compare and contrast characteristics of famous Latino/Hispanic today
*discover the 20 official & 6 unofficial Spanish-speaking countries
*participate in virtual tours to Spanish-speaking countries
*understand "cognates" and "loan words from English

*Enjoy A Fun Spanish Learning Experience

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Eating Paella
Restaurant Area
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Restaurant Area

The diverse thematic topics help everyone develop an understanding of similarities & differences amongst & beyond the "Spanish-speaking countries.  Students are able to experience authentic exposure to the Spanish language and culture as they gain a deeper understanding of the beauty, diversity, and inter-cultural similarities or differences within the "Spanish World" and their own.

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